laedit Jérémie Bertrand

Tips for creating an ASP.NET Core MVC PWA and hosting it on Ikoula Shared Host

on PWA, ikoula,

Disclaimer: This is not a precise how-to but merely some tips.

Creating an ASP.NET Core MVC PWA

I recently created a personal app and I wanted to try to make a PWA from an ASP.NET Core MVC app.

So once the app done I wanted to add the PWA specific parts which consist of two things:

There is a convenient Nuget package WebEssentials.AspNetCore.PWA which appears to do the job well, but I wanted to things myself since it is my first PWA.


So I added a manifest.webmanifest in the wwwroot folder, but the uri was returning a 404. I appears that the UseStaticFiles method only returns files for known content type.
So I had to add the right content type with the following code in the Startup.Configure:

var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
provider.Mappings[".webmanifest"] = "application/manifest+json";
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions { ContentTypeProvider = provider});

Service worker

For the service worker, I added his registration through a dedicated script in order to avoid issue with the csp: default-src 'self' policy:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        try {
            navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js', { scope: '/' });
        } catch (e) {
            console.error('Error during service worker registration', e);

It is registered only if the browser supports it and after the dom has loaded to avoid any blocking during the page load.
The log is minimal here, you have to adapt it to your log system.

After that I created the service worker script but was confronted with another issue: I use typescript and by default it doesn't include the webworkers types so I was having errors about unknown types like ExtendableEvent and FetchEvent.
So I found the right StackOverflow answer, reorganized my scripts and used a multi-tsconfig configuration to have all base compiler options common and specialized lib by folder : DOM for the client-side scripts and WebWorker for the service worker.

But I still had errors about the export part:

declare var self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
export {};

It was because for this app I only used scripts and not client-side app, so I had the typescript compiler module option set to none.
So once again after having found the right solution (this time on github) I used the following code:

const sw: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope & typeof globalThis = self as any

and replaced all self by sw.

And after that all was well!

Hosting on a Ikoula shared host

Web deploy

I have a shared host at Ikoula and they use Plesk for that.
I recently discovered that Plesk have an option to activate the web deploy publishing under the hosting settings.
Once activated you have a link on your site's dashboard which allows you to download the web deploy publishing settings.
The format is not the same that the "Import Profile" option expect in Visual Studio 2019, but you can create a new "Web Server (IIS) / Web Deploy" publish profile and copy the values from the file.

If you have an issue on certificate check, that can be resolved through the "Validate Connection" on the Connection page.

SQLite error

I use SQLite with Entity Framework for business and identity storage and after the app deployment I got this error:

DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'e_sqlite3' or one of its dependencies: Access denied. (0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

I don't know how that works, but it appears that the SQLite Entity Framework package need the write permission to the folder where the dll are.
So just add it to the application pool group user and that's done!


If you use secrets, it is recommended to use environment variables.
But if you can't (at least I didn't find a way to set one on Plesk), how do you do?

Well I tried to copy the content of the secrets.json in the appsettings.json after the deployment but it is not practical since I use webdeploy and it need to restart the website (a touch of the web.config suffice).

So finally I just used my own secrets.json file, added it to the app configuration and ignored it through the .gitignore to avoid leaking secrets.
It is not the best but at least that do the trick.

So here my few tips, don't hesitate to guide me to better ways!

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